Who Can Be a Social Worker?

Hi again everyone!

Since starting class material, I can say I was excited to learn more about what the roles of Social Workers can be like.  Reviewing my Professors and TA's personal work, as well as looking at videos that were open for us to view, it has allowed me to better understand how widespread Social Work can be.  

Staring with the personal work of my Professors and TA's, they all had very different aspects within their careers, but they were also all similar!  Prior to learning much about this field, I knew that Social Workers could work with children, but I didn't think there was much else they could do.  It turns out I was VERY wrong.  By looking at the various jobs a Social Worker can do, some work with children, many work with the widespread public at various ages (children, teens, adults, seniors, troubled individuals, minorities, etc.) and the list goes on!  By learning more about their personal studies, I can better inform myself if I want to pursue a career as a Social Worker. (Cott, 2024) 

When looking at more videos and readings both in my own time and in class material, my mind continued to go crazy to learn how, like I said in my previous blog: SOCIAL WORKERS ARE EVERYWHERE!  You don't enjoy spending time with kids? Thats fine, work with adults.  You don't like being in hospitals?  Don't worry, you can be in schools, correctional institutes, CPS, or your own practice.  There is no reason for a person to say they do not want to be a Social Worker just purely by the limits of how the job is done.  (PCSAO, 2016) (Recovery Resources, 2017)

I now notice, and hope to continue to learn, that you do not need to be a certain person or act a certain way to be a Social Worker.  The only thing you will need to become a Social Worker is wanting to be able to help people and be happy with what you are doing!  This relates to what we learned at the beginning, and what I said in my last post: Social Workers are superheroes!!  Don't ever limit yourself with what you think you can and cannot do.  If you want to do it, you can! (TEXxTalks, 2015)

A Survey of Social Workers on Recognition and Burnout - Recognize

Picture from: https://recognizeapp.com/cms/articles/survey-social-workers-recognition-burnout


Cott, Gillian. (2024, January 29). Gillian’s story [Word document]. Microsoft. 



PCSAOYouTubeChannel. (2015, July 10). A day in the life of a child protection caseworker –

Ohio [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytFp36Eo_Bg


Recovery Resources. (2017, March 17). What it’s like to be a social worker in criminal 

justice [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6flmSB7SKLI

TEDx Talks. [TEDx]. (2015, April 10). Social workers as super-heroes | Anna Scheyett 

| TEDxColumbiaSC [Video].YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A27QjpQ_Ieo&t=1s
